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Babies Minor Maladies

Babies can have a ton of little issues, and we worry ourselves silly over them, though most are no real threat to baby’s health. Here are a list of the most common little ailments, how to treat them at home, and when to call the doctor.

ท Diaper Rash – Diaper rash is caused by baby’s bottom being constantly exposed to wetness. For most babies, changing their diaper a little more often and applying an over the counter cream are enough to solve the problem. If all your measures don’t work, or if the rash looks different than a typical diaper rash, call the doctor.

ท Cradle Cap – Cradle cap is the presence of scales on the baby’s scalp, and usually occurs in very young infants. It is actually a form of dermatitis, and usually is not bothersome to the child. For most babies, a massage using petroleum jelly followed by a shampoo will take care of the problem. Try this at every bath until the problem stops recurring. Cradle cap is worsened by sweating, so keep your baby’s head cool, avoiding the use of hats. If these measures don’t work, your doctor can prescribe an ointment or shampoo. Babies typically outgrow cradle cap within the first six months of life.

ท Mystery Fever – Nearly all babies have this at one time or another. A low grade fever, with no other accompanying symptoms. If your baby is under two months of age, you should seek medical attention with any fever. Otherwise, as long as the fever doesn’t go above 102ฐF, you need not treat it unless it is making your baby uncomfortable or unable to sleep. Fever is the body’s way of fighting infection, so don’t rush to treat a fever, if your baby is otherwise healthy. Keep her cool, give her plenty of fluids, watch and wait. Talk to your doctor about his guidelines regarding when to call him concerning a fever. Regardless, any fever which reaches 105ฐ rectally, or a fever accompanied by signs of dehydration (infrequent urination, sunken fontanel, dry lips), or a feverish baby who has a stiff neck, is limp or has purple spots on the skin, should be treated immediately.

These are three of the most common minor baby ailments. Though it’s comforting to know how to treat these at home, never hesitate to call your doctor if you think it’s necessary. A Mother’s intuition is a powerful thing. If you think something’s amiss, it probably is, so check it out, even if it’s only to satisfy your own mind.

That’s the end of this ebook. If you would like more information, you really need to download my main ebook “Mommy to Mommy – The Truth About Taking Care of Baby” from http://www.educatedmother.com. This is a much longer ebook, where I am able to go into a lot more information.

Babies And Bedtime Fussiness

If the baby is very small, is a new born baby then it is accepted that he will get up many times at night. But in case of older babies, it is not accepted. It is very frustrating for the mother if the baby goes to sleep after a great deal of effort and then keeps waking up frequently. It is a big achievement for the mother if the baby sleeps uninterrupted throughout the night. However, if the baby is not sleeping well then you must start thinking about his day time activities and how these are affecting his sleeping pattern.

The baby’s biological clock is not yet set up and if you don’t set a routine for them they find it difficult to settle down. Thus you must follow a fixed pattern. They automatically begin to understand when they are supposed to play and when to sleep and so on. When they are small we help them by setting a routine and we follow the routine as far as possible. For instance, in the mornings they can learn that it is bath, then feed, and then play. At evening they can learn that a story, feed and then lullaby is bedtime routine. Thus, if you follow this pattern for a while then the kids start remembering it.

You must also keep track of the times your baby has slept during the day. The baby may not go to bed at night because he may not be tired enough. You must play sufficiently with the baby to make him tired by the end of the day. You must also help him in discovering new things and stimulate him during the day. If you are not doing so, then you may have to change your own habits. The baby will then sleep soundly at night.

It varies with the age of the baby, but in any case he must not take long naps during the day. A baby who is of few months of age should at the most sleep for half an hour. The new born must sleep for a longer period of time. You should not allow the baby to sleep as much as he wants during the day. If you do so you are sure to have problems at night.

It is good for the baby if you can take him somewhere during the day. You may take the little one to your friend’s house, or to a park or even to the shopping mall. The baby loves the change and is stimulated too. It is something great for them when they see new things and the effort is tiring for them. Thus, they sleep well at night. With the passage of time their bed time fussiness will go away and you will not have to bother about it anymore. That is the best part of it all.

A New Baby Can Be Expensive!

"A new baby brings a lot of joy and hope to a family. It also brings some uncertainty. You may be concerned that your home is too small, or that you need a larger car, among others. Whether you are expecting your first or your fifth child, chances are that you need baby gear! There are hundreds of different items that you need when the baby arrives, and it is important to remember that stocking up doesn’t mean you have to clean out the bank account. If you do a little bit of research beforehand, you can get everything that you need at a fraction of the retail price. My favorite money saving tool is the e-coupon. You can sign up for e-coupons at a variety of different retailers, and start savings instantly.

The first question that a new parent-to-be asks is “what gear do I need?” There are many things that are convenient to have, and many things that are a “must have.” Once you distinguish between the two, you can start stocking up on the “must haves”. I recommend that you start shopping for bargains early on in your pregnancy. You will save more money, and eliminate the last minute rush that many parents undergo. Most baby sites will provide you with a checklist of the baby “must haves.” Print this list out, and then begin to compare prices and makes and models.

Every parent-to-be is on a budget. The trick is to make the most out of that budget. First consider looking at local yard sales for various baby gear. You can often get some cheap deals, on things that are in good shape. If you are looking for some really good deals, go online. There are hundreds of different baby sites, which offer many products at deep discounts. If you use an e-coupon service, you can get coupon codes to save even more on the items that are “must haves.” Most of these services are free to use, and can save you hundreds on your favorite baby gear. You may also try an auction site like EBay. I have found some great deals on items that you need everyday, like bottles and bibs.

Shopping for baby on a budget can be a lot of fun, if you approach it correctly. Create a list of the items that you want to shop for, and stick to it. Look for discounts and deals both locally and online. In no time, you will have a nursery full of baby gear ready and waiting for your new little bundle of joy! Congratulations and happy shopping!"

A Little Advice For New Parents

As a new parent you face many problems and issues that you need to understand and deal with immediately. Newborns do not come with an instruction book so here is some information on some things that you need to know about. 

Bathing your baby: Your baby’s umbilical cord will fall off in about one to two weeks after they are born. Until it falls out, you should only give your baby sponge baths. You could dampen a cotton ball or cotton swab with alcohol to help dry the umbilical stump or simply follow your pediatrician’s directions. You can give him a bath in a sink or shallow tub after the stump falls off. 

Caesarian delivery:  A caesarian is usually performed to make delivery safer for you or your baby.  C-sections can be done for many different reasons including stalled labor, complicated labor, problems with the baby that may make delivery difficult, or other problems.  It does not matter if you deliver vaginally or by a caesarian section, you are still a mother with a beautiful new blessing.   

Circumcision:  A lot of doctors feel that there are many benefits to having your baby circumcised, but it may not be absolutely necessary.  It may help to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and eliminates just about any chance of penile cancer.  Circumcision will not cause any long-term emotional problems for your child. 

Crib death (SIDS):  Many studies have been done regarding SIDS.  Although the cause of SIDS has not been definitely defined, there are some correlations that have been made between SIDS and the following things: 
Female babies are less likely to die from SIDS than Male Babies
The risk is greater with premature birth
Minority children are more likely to be affected by SIDS than non-minority children are.
More children of young, single mothers die of SIDS
Smoking in the home greatly increases the risk of SIDS

Some people think that sleeping with your baby is okay and continue to let their babies sleep with them. The American Academy of Pediatrics disagrees with this and says that there is a greater risk of SIDS in babies who sleep with another person. Babies should sleep alone in a cradle or crib either next to or near an adult. You should never put pillows, blankets, stuffed animals or anything that might put your baby at risk in their bed. 

Most pediatricians recommend that babies sleep on their back to decrease the risk of SIDS. The reason for this is widely debated between health experts. If you have concerns please talk to your pediatrician. There are no dumb questions when it comes to the health and safety of your child, so please don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

<a href="http://myspoiledbaby.com">http://www.myspoiledbaby.com</a>

A Guide to Baby Scales

Baby scales are used to measure breast milk and the weight of babies.

When baby arrives early or has medical problems, health care providers turn to the Medela Baby Weigh Scale for measuring breast milk intake. The baby is weighed before and after breastfeeding, and with a touch of a button, the Baby Weight Scale calculates the baby's intake. For small babies, the Baby Weight Scale can measure the difference of one-half teaspoon of breast milk.

Lack of weight gain in an infant should always be taken seriously. Be sure to check that your baby is being weighed properly. Weighing should always be done on the same scale because of the slight differences between scales.  It is best to use a baby scale to weigh an infant.. You also should weigh your baby once a week, because of the daily weight variation due to feedings, urination, bowel movements, etc. If the weight remains accurate and you know that your baby is either gaining no weight or losing weight, baby should be seen and evaluated by a doctor immediately.  

If baby's weight increases but does not seem adequate, consider if your baby's feeding is appropriate. Are you offering food five or six times a day? Are you feeding breast milk or infant formula to the baby? If you're using breast milk, does your baby seem full after a feeding is complete? If you're using formula, are you mixing it properly? At 6 months old, infants need supplementary calories from solid foods. Are you offering solid foods several times a day? Is your baby keeping all the food down? If everything appears normal, you still might want to get your baby examined, just to be sure that baby's weight is okay. All doctors will use special baby scales to monitor the baby’s weight.

If a baby has a "congenital heart defect", it means the heart or blood vessels near the heart didn't develop normally before birth. Often the term "congenital heart disease" is used to mean the same thing.

Healthy babies usually double their birth weight between four and five months of age. A baby with a congenital heart defect may grow more slowly during infancy and childhood, although the growth often varies according to the type and severity of the condition. An eight-ounce to one-pound gain in a month may be an acceptable weight gain for a baby with a heart defect. You will need to weigh your baby, and  the pediatrician can do so for this or any other condition. The baby is usually weighed every month, and the measurements will show how well your baby is growing.


A Guide To Baby Gift Registries

If you're having a baby and would like to register for baby gifts, all you have to do is go to the Internet to a website that has baby gift registries, sign up and select the gifts that like or need. There are many websites online that host these registries. They are convenient, easy to use and a big help for those families and friends who are looking for the perfect gift to give your new arrival.

Registering online is easy. There is usually a form to fill out asking name, address, phone number, etc. When that is completed, you will be prompted to select from among hundreds of baby items. As you choose, your items will be stored in the registry. When someone logs on to the registry, they select from the items you listed. The item they choose is then listed as purchased.  

A baby gift registry is truly a nice way to spread the word about the arrival of one’s bundle of joy. It offers all the items that parents need to care for their baby. Most  products offered are quality baby goods and are priced reasonably.

Baby registries make shopping easy and saves time and money.  There is no running from store to store, hoping you select the right gift -- one that someone else hasn't already purchased. Purchases online are usually made with a credit card, but one can also usually mail a check. Once payment is processed, the gift is immediately mailed. Most websites are secure, so there is no need to worry about stolen information.  

Registries are set up with the idea of knowing what expecting or new parents need and giving family and friends the opportunity to purchase baby gifts the parents would like to receive.

A Baby Shower Really Is A Time for Celebration For Everyone

Celebrating the upcoming arrival of a new baby is exciting but at the same time, it's often a situation in which both parents can feel much anxiety. These feelings of anxiety are especially strong for first-time parents. There is so much to know and so many different items are needed to provide proper infant care.

The idea of the baby shower came about as both a special time for family and friends to be together before the baby's arrival and also to help relieve the financial burden on parents-to-be by supplying them with many of the new gadgets, furnishings and accessories they'll need once their baby arrives.

And even though today most people prefer to break out of the 'traditional' mold, when it comes to a baby shower, these events for the most part still adhere to traditional guidelines. Probably one of the biggest changes to the baby shower format is that they're no longer exclusively for women. Plenty of men make it onto today's baby shower guest list and those who are invited don't come grudgingly. While they might not play in all the baby shower games, men do enjoy the opportunity to give their regards to the expectant mother- and father-to-be.

In some cultures however, a baby shower is considered a sign of bad luck. If there's a chance the expectant mother might feel this way, be sure to check with her before proceeding with the baby shower.

In some parts of the world the baby shower is actually held after the baby is born. This makes sense since a baby shower is a celebration of the baby and guests enjoy actually seeing the one who is being celebrated. It's also easier to select gender-appropriate colors and gifts and should the gift need engraving, guests have all the delivery details they need.

Having the baby shower after the baby's birth does make sense, but it's a very busy time for new parents. Plus, many of the baby items the expectant parent(s) need are needed as soon as the baby arrives home. That's why scheduling the baby shower before the baby's birth is the more common option.

The baby shower itself is traditional and for the most part, every shower involves the same activities. Guest lists and invitations need to be created and mailed. The shower location needs to be decorated. Guests expect to be entertained so food, drink and games need to be coordinated. And because it's a special occasion, there might even be a photographer and/or videographer, musician and other special talent participating in the festivities.

A baby shower can be a big to-do with lots of little details to coordinate and every detail is going to cost money. That's why it's highly advisable for whoever is hosting the shower to put together (and stick to) a workable budget.

Pulling off a successful special event like a baby shower doesn't take special talent, it takes a well-thought out plan that includes a timeline and a budget.